Moving Beyond COVID-19: Considerations for using PHE Flexibilities to Improve Person-Centered Care
March 3, 2023
12:00 pm
- 1:30 pm

In the early days of the pandemic, federal and state governments quickly implemented regulatory flexibilities to ensure that Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries could receive care safely and in their own community. As policymakers prepare for the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), federal and state policymakers will need to determine the path forward for the Medicare and Medicaid flexibilities that were implemented in response to the immediate needs of the pandemic.

This virtual public event will feature a diverse panel of experts to discuss considerations for using the PHE flexibilities to improve person-centered, equitable care for older adults, as well as highlight the background context, and high-level tradeoffs of telehealth policy that policymakers will need to contend with in the near future.

Insights from the recently produced “Leveraging COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Flexibilities to Advance Person-Centered Care for Older Adults and People with Complex Care Needs: A Roadmap for Policymakers” will be highlighted during the briefing. Expert panelists will underline how this work coincides with legislative and regulatory actions done to date, including the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 and the Administration’s recent declaration to end the PHE on May 11.


  • Speaker Bios
  • Anne Tumlinson, M.S., Chief Executive Officer, ATI Advisory
  • Stephanie Anthony, J.D., MPH Senior Advisor, Manatt Health
  • Amy BassanoM.A., Managing Director, Medicare, Health Management Associates

This event was organized by the Alliance for Health Policy in partnership with ATI AdvisoryHealth Management Associates (HMA), and Manatt Health, with generous support from The SCAN Foundation (TSF).

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