The Provider Alliance (TPA) supports agencies that serve people with intellectual disability and autism across Pennsylvania. We do this through collaboration, advocacy, innovation and information-sharing across our membership. The Provider Alliance promotes best practices and workforce development to help our members deliver safe, supportive, and compassionate services that our part of the fabric of our local communities.


Advocacy Tool Kit


Joint Letter to Governor Shapiro from PA ID/A Associations Requesting Immediate Investment in ID/A Services

This letter is an extension of our unified advocacy to address the needs of the ID/A community across Pennsylvania as budget deliberations proceed (11/15/23).

Fee Schedule Rate Recommendations Fact Sheet

Fee Schedule Rate Recommendation Fact Sheet for ODP Rate Review (10/24/23).

2023 ID/A Workforce Survey Infographic

The Center for Health Care Solutions, in collaboration with the ID/A Associations across PA, conducted a workforce survey. Click below to see a summary of key findings (10/13/2023).

Fee Schedule Recommendations

Fee Schedule Rates Recommendations for ODP Rate Review (09/29/2023)

Request for Rate Update

Letter to ODP from ID/A Associations in Pennsylvania Requesting Rate Update (08/24/2023)


Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Response Letter

Review the response letter from Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens to the association's joint letter from April 10, 2023, expressing concerns with SIS. (11/03/23)

2023 ID/A Workforce Survey Results

The Center for Healthcare Solutions is please to share the 2023 ID/A Benchmark Compensation Survey report. This report reflects salaries in effect as of June 30, 2023, at seventy-one (71) ID/A facilities across Pennsylvania (10/06/2023).

Governor Shapiro Announcement

Governor Josh Shapiro announced during the NADSP Conference that he has ordered the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs to immediately review the fee schedule rates that fund all ODP services (09/08/2023).

Action Center

Find your Legislators

To find your legislators, go to the PA General Assembly locator tool.

News & Media Center

Good Morning America Highlights Direct Support Workforce Crisis

Good Morning America ran a segment on the direct support workforce crisis on Saturday October 21, 2023. The story chronicling staffing shortages in group homes on Long Island and nationally included excerpts from an interview with ANCOR COO Gabrielle Sedor, as well as reference to ANCOR's research on the State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis. The show did an excellent job of packaging complex issues into an accessible, three-minute story. (October 21, 2023)

ICYMI: “Governor Shapiro Not Only Listened, But He Also Acted.”

Last week, the Shapiro Administration announced that the Department of Human Services (DHS) will begin updating the data used to set reimbursement rates for workers who provide home and community-based services (HCBS) for Pennsylvanians with intellectual disabilities and autism. These workers serve individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism by helping them safely live in their community among their family and peers. Advocates and members of the intellectual disability and autism community quickly expressed their support for and appreciation of this announcement, and Pennsylvanians are recognizing Governor Shapiro’s quick work to hear concerns and challenges and take quick action towards a necessary solution.

When a governor shows compassion that impacts thousands of lives, it’s reason for high praise

It’s not often we find reason to laud public officials for showing compassion. But we have reason to do so now. Gov. Josh Shapiro has shown considerable compassion in hearing the pleas of thousands of families in Pennsylvania that are caring for loved ones with intellectual disabilities. These families have been begging for help for years, and they were facing catastrophe.

Op-Ed: Governor Shapiro offers beacon of hope

PA’s chronic underfunding of ID/A programs has led to countless families being told their loved ones are eligible for essential services, only to find that providers are unable to hire enough competent DSPs willing to work for inadequate wages. Families have tirelessly lobbied legislators, sent thousands of letters, and met with elected officials in a desperate plea for help. Yet, the state budget has continually fallen short of addressing this crisis with the urgency it deserves.

Disability service providers hopeful about Shapiro addressing rate issues

After the state government dealt disability advocates one of the most devastating setbacks in recent memory, the community might actually have compelling reason to hope for the future – courtesy of Gov. Josh Shapiro.

ICYMI: New Op/Ed Calls Shapiro Administration’s Commitment To ID/A Community ‘A Beacon Of Hope’

DHS PRESS RELEASE - This week, the Shapiro Administration announced the Department of Human Services (DHS) will begin updating the data used to set reimbursement rates for workers who provide home and community-based services (HCBS) for Pennsylvanians with intellectual disabilities and autism. These workers serve individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism by helping them safely live in their community among their family and peers.

Governor Shapiro Orders Immediate Review Of Fee Schedule Rates For Providers Of Services For Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities, Autism

DHS PRESS RELEASE - “This week marks Direct Support Professionals Week, an annual time to recognize the essential role DSPs play for both individuals with disabilities and their families. DSPs are the backbone of our work to support Pennsylvanians with intellectual disabilities and autism, and their work allows countless families and caregivers to live and work with the peace of mind that their loved one has the care they deserve,” said DHS Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh. “DSPs work tirelessly to support an individual with disabilities with their most intimate needs, from helping people work and participate more fully in their communities, to preparing meals and medications. to transportation and personal care. By engaging in this rate setting process now, we can ensure that Pennsylvanians who rely on this system of care can continue to do so.”

Disability service providers hopeful about Shapiro addressing rate issues

Service providers for the disabled in Pennsylvania might get some much-asked-for relief in their pay rates – albeit not for another budget cycle – as Gov. Josh Shapiro announced Monday that he would be ordering a review of Medicaid reimbursements for intellectual disability and autism support.

Legislators must restore funding to help families caring for people with autism and disabilities | Opinion

The ID/A community has already endured enough suffering. It is time to step up, listen to the cries of families, and take immediate action to restore funding for ID/A programs. Please do not allow another day to pass without restoring the $170 million into fee schedule rates and to stop the collapse of this desperately needed system of services for some of the state’s most vulnerable people and families.

“The Collapse Is Here” Intellectual Disability and Autism Care Providers Issue Dire Warning to Pa. Lawmakers

Care providers and advocates say things are going from bad to worse, with necessary rate adjustments and even modest funding increases for ID/A services, now on the line just days before the budget deadline.

OpEd by Kym Lambert: We Quality for Assistance. Why don't we get it?

We were on the Wait List for disability services for 11 years. Last year, we were placed on the Emergency Wait List. We are still waiting. I thought there was enough information in the press and public eye that decision-makers would see the needs of the ID/A community. So many people have written letters and demonstrated and met with legislators that it is shocking to see that the money isn’t there for people like my daughters. When will we have equal consideration for funding? When will my daughters be important enough?

Editorial: It’s past time to fully fund state disability services

If caucus leaders and the governor’s office listen to this advocates, and especially to the families who depends on the services they provide, with an open mind and an open heart, they will understand that there’s no worthier use of state funds than preventing the decline and collapse of the state ID/A care system. DSPs deserve to be compensated fairly for the hard and compassionate work they do, and their clients deserve dignified and professional care.

Anne Couldridge: Our son with autism fell into the social service abyss. We need help.

Wouldn’t it be great if PA decided to lead the way for the rest of the Country by investing in these services? Let’s pay the skilled workforce of DSPs what they are worth and recognize the important, life-altering service and work they do. Legislators, please hear our voices!

Nancy Murray: A mom of children with intellectual disabilities asks:
When will it be our turn?

People with intellectual disabilities and autism — and their families — desperately need help now.

Veronica Young: The people who take care of people who need help, need help

Today, I ask you to help me challenge our state legislators to consider the impact they can make on the lives of so many of our neighbors and family members. DSPs are the unsung heroes who bring light and hope to people to people with intellectual disability/autism and their families. We deserve better, and so do the people we support.

Legislators must do something for direct support professionals

People who aid the intellectual disability and autism community need help to continue doing their work. By Veronica Young Published in the Reading Eagle

No Fault of Their Own Video

The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties just released a powerful video addressing the lack of funding for direct support professionals. Anne and her team produced a highly impactful and emotional story from the perspective of individuals and families.

Direct Support Professionals, Providers Seeking $430 Million in Pa Budget

Providers say they can’t simply raise prices to increase wages because their services are funded primarily by Medicaid. They say inadequate rate fees imposed by the state do not cover the true costs of their services.

We have children living with intellectual disabilities. We’re at the end of our ropes | Opinion

Gov. Josh Shapiro, lawmakers need to address the crisis of direct support professionals, who are a lifeline for families

Editorial: An opportunity to stabilize Pa.’s disability care system

This editorial references the $430 million unified budget request submitted to Governor Shapiro from TPA and ID/A provider.

TPA Overview of our Services and Membership

TPA Member organizations provide the full array of services at home, at work, and enjoying favorite activities in the community.

Workers Employed
Pennsylvania counties served
People Served